Wednesday, March 30, 2011

From Across the Pond

Last year around Easter, a Facebook friend who lives in England posted that she was eating a Creme Egg McFlurry.

Instantly I knew three things:
1) I wanted a Cadbury Egg McFlurry!
2) It would inevitably make me ill if I were to get my hands on one.
3) Just because I don't like McDonald's very much doesn't mean England can make something better from it without us!

Bad form, England, bad form.

Showing my Yankee pluck, and the Brits that I don't need to hop across the pond to achieve my goals, I purchased* the following items from the store this evening:

Double Vanilla, if you've never tried it, tastes like vanilla soft serve. Mmmm.

Now for the mixing: Cue the music!

Fact- the final product didn't look like much of anything worth photographing, so I opted for my "cracked egg" progress shot instead.

If you too must try a Cadbury McFlurry, I recommend mashing the egg up as much as possible before adding it to the ice cream. I had to scoop it out to mash it after the ice cream had turned the chocolate to some sort of confectionery titanium.

The Result
1) It is delicious, but not epic
2) I'll be buzzing for quite some time from the massive sugar high I'm experiencing, though I'm not too ill

Overall, I'm claiming success!

*Disclaimer for any work colleagues reading: No Root Beer Float Day funds were used in my experiment. I will however be donating the remainder of the ice cream to the RBFD cause.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Positively Presidential

This past Sunday there was a leadership coup for the youth in my ward. The youth organizations for the Young Men and Young Women passed from the capable hands of ward members who'd been in the ward for longer than 4 months to members who are the exact opposite of that.

The new Young Men's President joined the ward about a week ago. Surprise!

I'll be a ward member of 4 months in a couple of weeks. So, at least there's that. My long standing nickname of Prez is valid again!

Armed with my scriptures, a testimony of the gospel, my self-confidence as an independent woman, and excellent taste in shoes, I'm as ready as I'll ever be!

Fortunately I know that I always have the support of my Bishopric, particularly the 1st councilor who reached out to catch me as I nearly fell from loosing my balance in my high heels while at the pulpit bearing my testimony. If there's anyone in the ward who didn't know me before. They know me now!

The offending parties: